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HPV Coalition - Roadmap to Elimination

In October 2022, we were delighted to launch the new UK HPV Coalition. With members including charities, professional organisations, independent researchers and policy experts working in the HPV space, the Coalition was founded on the principle of advocating for the Government to commit to the elimination of HPV-related cancers in the UK. NOMAN are honoured to act as co-chairs of the Coalition.

Today, the HPV Coalition is proud to publish the next step in that journey, our Roadmap towards making the elimination of all HPV-related cancers a reality across the UK, which you can read below. The Roadmap serves as our call to Governments across the four nations of the UK to take action, while providing the blueprint of how elimination can be delivered.

Our goal is simple: Make the elimination of all HPV-related cancers a reality across the UK. We have many of the tools available to us now to make this a reality, and we must ensure it is grasped without delay.

To achieve this, we must ensure foundations of HPV prevention are strengthened across the UK. Our Roadmap is therefore made up of a number of building blocks – with associated actions – that plot our course to elimination:

1. National and regional leadership and accountability

2. Improving education on HPV to tackle stigma and drive access to prevention

3. Making sure everyone has equitable access to screening and early diagnosis

4. Restoring and boosting immunisation uptake, including catch-up programmes

5. Enhancing the data, digital and workforce infrastructure

6. Embracing future innovations

It is critical that UK governments set out a concrete strategy for the elimination of all HPV-related cancers, widening the scope of our ambition beyond cervical cancer elimination. Along with our fellow members of the HPV Coalition, we stand ready to support the implementation of recommendations and take meaningful steps to prevent HPV-related cancers from affecting the lives of so many women and men.

You can read NOMAN Director, and HPV Coalition co-chair, David Winterflood's article for The Times here.


NOMAN is an Island: Race to END HPV is a program of the HPV and Anal Cancer Foundation, a registered charity in England and Wales (1147457) and a 501(C)(3) charity in the USA (27-3217520).

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